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Health Eligibility Services is here to assist you with long-term solutions, providing excellent and professionally trained staff in-house and in the field for your healthcare facility.

Health Eligibility Services



Eligibility Analyst Services

HES has an exceptionally high rate for processing Medi-Cal applications due to our aggressive follow-up.  Our services include the following:

•    Screening patients for any and all possible government programs
•    Sending a field representative to the patient’s home, last known locations.
•    On-Site Eligibility & bedside visits.
•    Assist the patients to complete all applications & documents.
•    Appeal Medi-Cal denials and attend Fair Hearing with the patient.
•    Treatment Authorization Request (TAR).


HES works closely with hospital staff, patients, and eligibility workers from the Department of Public Social Service local and out of State, administrative law judges in order to qualify patients for Medi-Cal.

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